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When is Waterbury the Proper Venue for a Death or Injury Claim Arising from a Connecticut Auto, Bicycle, Car, Motorcycle, or Truck Accident?
Whenever we have a choice, we will file your motor vehicle accident claim in the courthouse that we believe would be best for you based on our judgment and experience. Sometimes, however, we won't have a choice because of the law of venue. (Venue refers to where a lawsuit should be filed; if a lawsuit is filed in the wrong courthouse, it could be dismissed.)
The proper venue for a Connecticut lawsuit seeking damages for injuries or wrongful death arising from a motor vehicle accident involving a car, truck, or motorcycle, depends on one of three criteria: (1) where the injured party resides; (2) where the negligent or reckless driver resides; or (3) where the collision or accident occurred if neither party resides in Connecticut.
According to General Statutes Section 51-344 (12), the courthouse for the Judicial District of Waterbury (located at 300 and 400 Grand Street, Waterbury 06702) would be the proper venue for your motor vehicle accident claim if the above criteria are met for any of the following Connecticut towns: Middlebury, Naugatuck, Prospect, Southbury, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott and Woodbury.
In addition, even though the following towns are not located in the Judicial District of Waterbury, we can choose to file your auto accident claim there if you or the defendant driver live in the town of Plymouth. See General Statutes Section 51-345 (b).
Rest assured, the lawyers on our Auto Accident Law Group will analyze your situation and choose the best courthouse for your claim based on our experience and judgment.
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury or loss caused by a car accident, motorcycle accident, or truck accident, please contact our Auto Accident Law Group to arrange a free and confidential consultation.